Other information:
Follow Normal Maintenance Schedule if the vehicle is usually operated where none
of the following conditions apply. If any of the following conditions apply, you
must follow the Maintenance Under Severe Usage Conditions.
Repeated driving short distance of less than 5 miles (8 km) in normal
temperature or less than 10 miles (16 km) in freezing temperature
Extensive engine idling or low speed driving for long distances
Driving on rough, dusty, muddy, unpaved, graveled or salt-spread roads
Driving in areas using salt or other corrosive materials or in very cold
Driving in heavy dust conditions
Driving in heavy traffic area
Driving on uphill, downhill, or mountain road repeatedly
Towing a trailer or using a camper, or roof rack
Driving as a patrol car, taxi, other commercial use of vehicle towing
Driving over 106 miles (170 km/h)
Frequently driving in stop-and-go condition
Engine oil usage which is not recommended (mineral, semi-synthetic, lower
grade spec, etc...